17 May 2023, 19:31

Tetris, Snake and Super Mario: the most famous records in the most famous games

Tetris, Snake and Super Mario: the most famous records in the most famous games
You won't believe it, but the attitude towards the games is so serious that some results are included in the Guinness World Records. For example, God of War and Minecraft. However, other equally well-known games of the past deserve attention...
Screenshot of the 1986 version of the IBM PC
Screenshot of the 1986 version of the IBM PC
For example, a few years ago, an American gamer with the nickname NubbinsGoody set a new record for the game "Tetris" in 1989 for the NES console. And by the way, the highest result was achieved by accident. The player scored 300,000 points in 1 minute and 57 seconds. His predecessors were able to score the same number of points, but in 2 minutes.

And his "colleague" very quickly coped with the main problem of this geometric fun - creating consecutive lines in the shortest possible time. The record player completed 10 Tetris lines in less than 7 seconds.
Snake on the IBM PC
Snake on the IBM PC
Let's move on to another, no less famous game - "Snake". The secret of its popularity, according to the developer William Cox, was the disappointment that the player feels when losing. And unlike "Tetris", in which the player can return to moderate speed mode at each level, in "snake" losing is only a matter of time.

There was no reliable information on the network about records related to achievements in this game. But the game itself in 1996 took 41st place on the list of "100 best games of all time", and the judges here were guided by the need for quick reactions and thoughtfulness. And in November 2012, the Museum of Modern Art in New York announced that "Snake" was one of 40 games that curators would like to add to the museum's collection in the future.
Screenshot "Super Mario Bros."
"Super Mario Bros." is a game in which the player faces some of the most intense races. Can't help but mention those secret pipes that allowed traveling between locations? As for the current record, it does not exceed 4 minutes 55 seconds. Although it seems almost impossible to complete the game in such a time.

The game was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the best-selling game in history, with 40.24 million copies sold. And after the drop in sales of Mario Bros. released in 1983, the appearance of "Super Mario Bros." brought it to another level of popularity - the main character of the game, Mario, became a symbol of the Nintendo company.

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