6 January 2023, 12:56

Morse code: was there really more than one inventor?

Morse code: was there really more than one inventor?
Did you know that the authorship of Morse code does not belong to one person? Until recently, I thought that this method of communication at a distance was named after its creator. But as it turned out, not everything is so simple ... And on the day of the presentation of the telegraph, which took place on January 6, 1838, I propose to talk about it.

Three inventors are called the creators of Morse code. Actually Samuel Morse, Alfred Weil and Joseph Henry, who invented it in 1838 for the telegraph apparatus they invented, called the Morse apparatus.

But some sources say that the author of the code was Alfred Weil, Samuel Morse's business partner, known for introducing a "commercial code" of groups of 5 characters.

If we recall the first pointer-type telegraph devices, which did not transmit information quite reliably and accurately, then the Morse device made it possible to increase the transmission speed by 10 times using only one signal wire. In addition, the device made it possible to conduct automatic fixation in the form of recording a signal on a paper tape.

The Morse telegraph consisted of a telegraph key, with which the telegraph operator modulated the current in the line, and a receiving writing device that pulled a paper tape in front of a needle or roller with paint.

The roller, under the action of an electromagnet, pressed against the paper and left traces of different durations on it, with the help of which the message was encoded through Morse code.

Of course, this was the first device that was waiting for improvement, but it became the main one. Perhaps, if modern communication did not go through all historical stages, we might not even know about many of the inventions of mankind.

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