20 May 2023, 00:40

Cough syrup "One Night": the shocking composition of the medicine of the past

Cough syrup "One Night": the shocking composition of the medicine of the past
Like many things in medicine, the composition of medicines in the past was questionable and shocked by its components. One such remedy was "One Night" cough syrup, produced by Kohler Manufacturing since the late 19th century and popular throughout the 20th century. This syrup has recently gone viral on the internet due to its questionable ingredients such as 1% alcohol, Indian hemp extract, chloroform and morphine.

 Many of these ingredients were part of the cough remedies of their time. Morphine, heroin, and other poppy-derived drugs have been used to reduce pain and eliminate coughs. Chloroform was also considered an effective cough suppressant and helped to put the patient to sleep (perhaps too much), while alcohol and cannabis helped to relax and fall asleep.
Alcohol, marijuana, chloroform and morphine sound like a good time. Image Credit: Jonathan Harford/Flickr CC-BY-NC 2.0
Alcohol, marijuana, chloroform and morphine sound like a good time. Image Credit: Jonathan Harford/Flickr CC-BY-NC 2.0
However, as the drugs became more regulated over time, the use of chloroform was banned after the FDA found it increased the risk of heart failure and cancer in 1976. Cough remedies began to change their composition at the end of the 20th century, but many outlandish recipes still exist.
Cough syrup for one night...if you can survive one night on it. Image credit: Jonathan Harford/Flickr CC-BY-NC 2.0
Cough syrup for one night...if you can survive one night on it. Image credit: Jonathan Harford/Flickr CC-BY-NC 2.0

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